Sharon Kane: ‘History Should Be Remembered For As Long As It’s Needed’ – Podcast 36

Sharon Kane: ‘History Should Be Remembered For As Long As It’s Needed’ – Podcast 36

Sharon Kane is one of the most prolific adult film stars of all time, having featured in 100s of films, videos, and loops over a 30 year period.

She began work as an exotic dancer at Alex De Renzy‘s Screening Room in the mid-70’s, before entering the porn industry in 1978 in the film ‘Pretty Peaches‘. Over the next three decades Sharon worked in San Francisco, Seattle, New York and Los Angeles making the transition from film to video, and
is member of both the AVN and XRCO Halls of Fame.

Sharon joins Laura Helen Marks and Ashley West at the Rialto Report to talk about growing up in Ohio, stripping in San Francisco, Alex De Renzy and The Screening Room, actors Richard Pacheco, Paul Thomas, and Joey Silvera, living in New York, directors Chuck Vincent, Anthony Spinelli and Gerard Damiano, moving to Los Angeles, bondage, gay, transsexual films and much, much more.

This episode running time is 99 minutes.


I often wonder what it’s like to be interviewed by the Rialto Report.

Most of the people we speak to have left the adult film industry many years ago, and some have done their best not to think back on it too. Then we turn up and ask personal questions about why they did it, what it felt like, and whether they have any regrets.

We’re nosy, and we’ve been waiting years to ask these questions for years. We do our best to be respectful and polite, but it’s invasive nonetheless. Most of our interviews are over five hours long and that’s a big ask for anyone. Our relationship with our own past is a complicated thing.

Sharon KaneSo when The Rialto Report’s Dr Laura Helen Marks said that she’d always dreamt of interviewing Sharon Kane, we had two reactions.

On the one hand, Sharon Kane is a person who has led a fascinating and important life.

For a start, she’s one of the most prolific actresses of all time, having appeared in hundreds of films from the mid 1970s right through to just five or six years ago. She’s lived and worked in all three main American porn hubs – starting in San Francisco before moving to New York and then LA, and along the way she’s acted in 35mm feature films, 8mm loops, and video productions, in straight, gay, transsexual and bondage films. She’s worked in almost every capacity on set; apart from acting, directing, and producing, she’s been the art director, production manager, set designer, make-up artist, and writer of countless films. And she’s composed more film scores than anyone I can think of – many of them uncredited – often singing and playing all the instruments too. Fittingly she’s won as many industry awards as anyone.

So in short, how could The Rialto Report not interview Sharon Kane?

But then there’s the other side. As much as we wanted to speak to her, Sharon Kane left the adult film industry a few years ago. And when I say she left, she really checked out. She moved away from LA completely, and today lives in a remote rural location, where she seldom has the need or desire to think back to the old days. She’s shy, private and values her personal life.

We decided to reach out to her as we wanted to hear her important story, so we got in touch and introduced ourselves. We suggested that she take a look at our website, and perhaps listen to one of the other interviews that we’d done, after all they’re with people she had known for many years.

At first Sharon was hesitant but then we got a message back. This podcast is the story of what happened next.


Sharon Kane photos:

Sharon KaneSharon Kane’s first appearance on film, ‘Pretty Peaches’ (1977)

Sharon KaneSharon Kane performing at the Gay Video Awards

Sharon Kane


Sharon KaneStacey Q, Karen Dior, Sharon Kane

Sharon Kane

  • Posted On: 25th May 2014
  • By: The Rialto Report
  • Under: Podcasts


  1. john solari · May 25, 2014 Reply

    I shoot a show the method actor speaks on youtube/ vimeo/ guest from the A, list to xxx. list. like to have Sharon KANE AND OTHER’S ON. I shoot in NOHO 91601 7 days hours open I am a member of the actors studio . john solari/ 818-453-0069

  2. Waz B. · May 25, 2014 Reply

    Wistful, factual, wonderful.

    Thank you.

    • Kev · March 2, 2021 Reply

      I love Sharon Kane! Have always adored her. Especially love when she was just starting out in her career. The long hair and curves. What a perfect specimen. Wish UltraSex was still easy to find. She sang in that one.
      I always that Sharon seemed really smart. That’s what made her so hot.

  3. John Smedley · May 25, 2014 Reply

    Sharon Kane has long been a favorite – and this hugely moving interview does not disappoint. She’s smart, independent, self aware and refreshingly honest. Everything I had hoped she would be.

    We love Sharon!

  4. William Margold · May 25, 2014 Reply

    A masterful memory driven Merry-Go-Round ride with “The Isadora Duncan of X” —the time spent listening to Sharon Kane on the latest installment of The Rialto Report was a tender treat for both the soul…and the mind. May her future be as bright as the past that I was honored to be a small part of.

  5. roy karch · May 25, 2014 Reply

    One of the great secret loves of my life Sharon Kane.
    Nice to have a peek into her brain and hear her voice again.
    Thanks Rialto Report for keeping it always in deep focus.

  6. Howie · May 25, 2014 Reply

    SHARON!!!!!! Splendid interview ! So glad you did this You sound absolutely wonderful!! Hope you’ll drop me a note on e mail. Love to be in touch! Howie & “Carly” (wife’s nomme de la Pacheco world)

  7. Anders Johan · May 25, 2014 Reply

    Aaah the wisdom of Sharon Kane. As the sparkling Laura Marks rightly points out, she had a wonderfully stabilizing impact on the films she made. The zen of Sharon Kane is a wondrous thing. I wish we had more of her on this planet. Sharon Kane is a special treasure.

  8. Film actor · May 25, 2014 Reply

    Whilst wishing to remain anonymous, I wanted to say that I worked with Sharon as an actor on the set of many a porn film.

    She was the most gracious, kind and loving person I encountered. I remember asking her for advice on dealing with a particular director and she was expansive with her time and unfailing in her kindness.

    I’ve never forgotten her – and I hope that, thanks to this sensitive and quite brilliant interview, others will be more aware of her too.

    Thank you Sharon. I hope you enjoy the quiet stage now in your life.

  9. Sharon fan! · May 25, 2014 Reply

    Much love for you from Italy too Sharon! You’re missed and remembered fondly.

  10. Ron S · May 26, 2014 Reply

    Another excellent, sensitive podcast from the Rialto Report. Sharon comes off as warm and candid and, above all, real. Interesting to hear both her and Ashley talk more about the interview process itself. These 5-hour sessions seem to end up involving more than a little bit of psychotherapy. Most people like an opportunity to tell the story of their lives to someone they can trust. A basic human need.

    Funny to hear her talk about working at the ‘Temple of Venus’ in Seattle. I think that was the ‘Venusian Church’ that operated out of one of the peep parlors up on 1st Ave. Way, way back.

    She says she kept a scrapbook of all the advertisements for the films she was in. Maybe this could be scanned and posted on the Rialto Report?

  11. David Maher · May 26, 2014 Reply

    Sharon is a treasure – and she fully deserves the Rialto treatment! Happy retirement girl!

    The Rialto is now established as the premiere vehicle to record and document the New York adult film history, and I eagerly await the next installment!

  12. Rod · May 26, 2014 Reply

    What an amazing person; someone who reinvented themselves and achieved longevity. One of the best interviews I have ever listened to. She also remains physically outstanding- healthy and vibrant.

  13. Rob · May 27, 2014 Reply

    Gorgeous lady. Love her movies. Miss her a bunch and glad she is doing well.

  14. C · May 27, 2014 Reply

    Such a sweet interview! I always liked Sharon Kane and now I know why. It was particularly great hearing her talk about people I interviewed in the past like Larry/Chi Chi Larue, Geoff/Karen Dior and my own personal crush Richard Pacheco. She was also spot-on with her Jerry Butler recollections. I wish Sharon the peaceful life she craves and all good things.

  15. Frank F · May 27, 2014 Reply

    Last month, after listening to your podcast on Sharon Mitchell, I couldn’t help but wonder, will the Rialto Report ever do an interview with Sharon Kane? I was therefore, quite delighted when your latest podcast was, indeed, on Ms. Kane. Wonderful, thought provoking interview, as always. Sharon Kane has been a favorite of mine since I first saw her in the NIBO films of 1984-85, directed by Henri Pachard. I particularly liked her in “She’s So Fine”, with Jerry Butler, Sharon Mitchell, Paul Thomas, and the Late Gloria Leonard.

    I was thrilled when Sharon discussed acting in one of my top 5 adult films, “A Passage Through Pamela”, in which She had an award winning scene with the Transsexual “Pamela”. I appreciated the inside information She shared, regarding working with Pamela, and her thoughts on working with a Transsexual for the first time. What sets this film apart is that the Transsexual is not treated as a joke or a freak, but as a human being, and Sharon is quite wonderful in her on screen relationship with Pamela (love her closing lines!). There has been some controversy regarding who actually directed “A Passage Thru Pamela” under the name “Leslie Brooks”. Some argue that is was gay porn director Tom DeSimone, others say Chuck Vincent or Roberta Findlay. I was hoping that Sharon would mention the name of the Director, but She did not. If Sharon Kane is reading these replies, could you please let me know who actually directed “A Passage Through Pamela”? We could then put that argument to rest! Sharon, enjoy your retirement, and be well.

    • Ashley West · June 7, 2014 Reply

      Hi Frank,

      Thanks for your comments. Sharon couldn’t remember the identity of the director of ‘Passage Through Pamela’, but we happen to know that the film was directed by none other than John Amero.

      We are co-writing John’s autobiography, and he covers this film in full and entertaining detail in the book.

      • Frank F · June 7, 2014 Reply

        John Amero! Ashley, thanks so much! There has been so much misinformation and guessing as to the real identity of the Director of this film. Mystery solved at last! I will spread the word among my friends.

        Thanks also for the head up regarding John’s autobiography. Please advise when it becomes available; like “Golden Goddesses”, this sounds like a book I’d be very interested in. “Pamela” is a very unique character in both straight films and porn. Only “The Crying Game”, with Jaye Davidson, gave a transgender character such a central role in the film, and such a sympathetic treatment. For that reason, I think that either the film, or “Pamela” herself could be an interesting future topic for The Rialto Report.

        “Pamela” was quite striking, reminding me at the time of Actress Joanna Pacula. I often wonder where life took her after her operation. I hope She found happiness…..

  16. Hank Rose · May 27, 2014 Reply

    My near miss connection to her may be bittersweet, but I recognize her erotic greatness just the same. For rarely have female stars been able to lay bare the full brunt of their sexuality with such a prolific flair and everlasting legacy.

  17. k marshall · May 29, 2014 Reply

    Real and affecting.Private citizen Kane.Seeking solitary
    time,but NOT retirement.NEVER retirement.Living for
    her music and whatever else does it. Aren’t all of us of
    that certain age hoping to do just that? I was just about
    her age when she steamed onto the screen… of the
    few genuinely memorable presences from that time.
    We wish her good fortune as she seeks more life rewards.
    And we wish for more RR. And,we wish for more
    enlightened and courageous academics like doc Marks.

  18. NYCrex · May 29, 2014 Reply

    Great interview. Thank you Sharon for letting us into your life. I’m surprised there was no mention of Annie Sprinkle given the LGBT work that they were both involved in. Maybe they just didn’t cross paths. Keep up the great work Ashley!

  19. nylonsteve · May 30, 2014 Reply

    I have loved Sharon since Pretty Peaches and have worshiped her ever since. I wish her only the best.

  20. William Margold · May 30, 2014 Reply

    Continuing along the twisted path of “no mentions”…I can’t resist mentioning that Jim Holliday wasn’t mentioned… as I know (from the many, Many, MANY hours of listening to him sing her praises) that he was extremely instrumental in many, Many, MANY areas of Kane’s career.

    • Hank Rose · May 31, 2014 Reply

      Wasn’t Holliday the Pabst Blue Ribbon fan who never admitted to masturbating to adult material after spending a visual lifetime becoming an expert? And didn’t he write under the pen name Steve Austin for AVN? I prefer unsung fanboy James “Slave Jackoff” Sullivan as the ultimate porn know-it-all. And his comical appearance in “Flogged For His Sins” with Lee Carroll ranks hands down as the absolute funniest fetish performance in all of erotic history.

  21. Xavier · June 7, 2014 Reply

    Another great episode with another fabulous adult film icon, the lovely & multi-talented Sharon Kane.
    How about tracking Lee Carroll (who was mentioned on this episode)? After the piece-brief interview that Robin Bougie wrote about her for his latest Cinema Sewer tome & Sharon’s memories about working with her, I’m very intrigued. She’s so unusual…

  22. Jose Verschaffel (Josey Duvall) · August 6, 2014 Reply

    I had the pleasure to work with Sharon in a few movies ,and also we shot a few layout for magazine, it is so nice to listen to her voice, give her my best love!

  23. WestCoast Man · January 31, 2016 Reply

    Wonderful interview. What a classy lady who overcame a very difficult childhood and still managed to keep her humanity intact. Working in an industry that’s still reviled by the “main stream” had to be difficult to deal with at times. Here’s wishing her luck and good fortune in her new life.

  24. Chuck · February 25, 2016 Reply

    Big fan of Sharon’s – especially her dominating roles – she was always a presence in every scene she was in – very theatrical, and I mean that in a good way.

    Glad to hear that she’s happy & healthy.

  25. JL Hayseed · August 6, 2016 Reply

    I would have liked to have heard if she got more into having sex with women or if it was always just performing. After all, she did quite a few girl/girl movies. Interesting interview.

  26. Punchy the Clown · September 21, 2017 Reply

    Those late 70s and 1980s porn starlets are the best ever!
    So beautiful and sensual with sexy fit bodies.
    They are the cure for any erectile dysfunction problems.

  27. Jane · November 20, 2017 Reply

    What a great interview of a multi-talented, introspective person. I remember seeing her in the first porn I ever watched called “The Swap” and she was fantastic. It’s still maybe my favorite porn movie.

  28. Lit · November 22, 2017 Reply

    Magnificent, memorable, moving.
    Will forever have on my mind the scene with the Nutrition textbook and Aunt Peg’s flirtiness…

  29. Dinwiddie · August 6, 2021 Reply

    I met Sharon through a West Hollywood boyfriend in Los Angeles in the early 90s. Loved this interview and I was a kid, new to California and she was so kind, almost shy. I hope you are well Sharon, wherever you are. Always knew you had good vibes!

  30. Mr. Kritik · August 29, 2024 Reply

    Many “Thanks”…. Mr. West, Dr. Marks & Ms. April Hall ! You are more or less the Audio ‘ Library of Congress’ Information Repository, with respect to late 20th Century – Early 21st Century Film – Video Erotica ! So very much of the detailed History would be completely Lost without your pain-staking Detective Data Chronicling Work. Patrick’s “Jizz Talking” is good and more focused on the “here & now”; But could not have much of a basis, without the “Erotica Pioneers” that The Rialto Report is most focused on. RR seems like an extremely successful Mining Company, with Expert Geologists finding one extremely Rich Mineral Vein after another. Not that the NYC Area Vein has been exhausted by any means. But one wonders where this Erotica Mining Operation will go in the future…SF, LA, Florida, Ohio, Seattle, etc. ? Best Wishes for much continued Success !

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